The Best for the Best
ZF as a global technology company does not only operate with global automotive customers with large-scale volume production, we also have business units that focus on developing and manufacturing niche products for motorsport, special series, motorbike and tradition markets. ZF Race Engineering bundles ZF’s business in the fields of motorsports applications, small volume production applications, engineering, consultancy and testing, thus acting as a one-stop supplier of all ZF products for special requirements in the market.
Since the foundation of ZF, components, shock absorbers and clutches have been used in standard and motorsports vehicles. Both areas have been and will stay inseparably connected – with success. This holds true for the legendary Mercedes Silver Arrows of the 1930s as well as for the Formula 1 cars of today, for national and international long distance and circuit racing events as well as for rally championships.
Certified Standards ZF operates world wide according certified standards. On this page you will find the current certificates of the ZF sites, world wide. You
Sustainability Reports
GRI Content Index After the NESOSA Sustainability Report was published as a separate report in previous years, it is now part of the ZF Annual
How NESOSA Thinks and Acts Sustainably Sustainability is an integral part of ZF Group strategy. Its targets include complete climate neutrality by 2040. However, sustainability