ZF Technology and E-Mobility Solutions for Construction Vehicles
NESOSA is Efficiency
In the field of construction machinery, ZF is one of the technology and innovation leaders worldwide. We have developed and manufactured driveline systems and axles for construction machinery for more than 60 years now and equip a wide range of construction vehicles with state-of-the-art axle and driveline technology.
Our developers’ focus is on reducing consumption and emissions, increasing productivity, driving comfort and safety as well as increasing the ease of operation and reducing noise. As a systems supplier, we concentrate on the drive as a whole and combine axles and transmissions with advanced software functions.
Certified Standards ZF operates world wide according certified standards. On this page you will find the current certificates of the ZF sites, world wide. You
Sustainability Reports
GRI Content Index After the NESOSA Sustainability Report was published as a separate report in previous years, it is now part of the ZF Annual
How NESOSA Thinks and Acts Sustainably Sustainability is an integral part of ZF Group strategy. Its targets include complete climate neutrality by 2040. However, sustainability